breakfast of champions
JoinedPosts by breakfast of champions
Article: Jehovah’s Witnesses holding classes at Palm Coast training center
by AndersonsInfo2 in
jehovahs witnesses holding classes at palm coast training center.
by tony [email protected].
breakfast of champions
OUTLAWS post made coffee come out my nose! Lol. . -
Any luck kicking the bottle?
by Ignoranceisbliss inas i continue my sllllooooooowwwwwww fade one of the things that i want to do is better myself as a person.
one of my biggest pitfalls has always been drinking.
i don't think i am an alcoholic but at the same time i've never been a very good drinker.
breakfast of champions
This is something I honestly need to work on myself.
I never had a problem with drinking when I was young.
The first time I realized it was excessive was after I was an elder for several years.
Since then it has varied widely: I've have gone cold turkey for medical reasons at a couple points over the last several years. Other than that, I think I drink too much.
I have used "my situation" as an excuse to drink "immoderately" for years now. But as I get closer to realizing what I actually want in life, I think it's time to cut down --- but it's hard!
The advice given so far would be my first choice: get it out of the house, and find things to replace it with.
This is a great subject just to talk about here. I think that in itself is quite helpful.
Site issues: Dec 27 Update
by Simon inhere's the current status:.
performance improvements have been made to make things slicker.. the "remember me" issue should now be fixed.. sign-in captcha can be affected by ad-blockers so consider disabling those.. sign-in email is case-sensitive - until i update this consider using your forum username instead.. ie stalls on "queued for processing" when posting a topic or reply but the post has been made (just navigate to active or refresh the topic if replying).. i will be working through issues today and contacting anyone who had sign-in issues to check if they still have problems.. many thanks again for your patience while we work through these teething problems..
breakfast of champions
So what's the deal with Like/Dislike?
I really "like" the idea, as I can express how I feel about a post/thread without having to post myself.
Is this feature actually working now? If so, I don't see any evidence of it (e.g. Something that says "breakfast of champions liked this post")
Article: Jehovah’s Witnesses holding classes at Palm Coast training center
by AndersonsInfo2 in
jehovahs witnesses holding classes at palm coast training center.
by tony [email protected].
breakfast of champions
My prediction:
Will be resold in the next 10-15 years for $15M.
new look site--new username
by stan livedeath inhi folks---i used to be bigmac---but i couldnt get past the doorman on here--so now i'm stan livedeath.
breakfast of champions
Great avatar! -
I Let Go Of Faith Ten years Ago Today
by cofty inafter more than 30 years as a jw and 9 as a born-again christian i finally let go of faith 10 years ago today.... it was on boxing day 2004 that news of the asian tsunami put the final nail in the coffin of my relationship with god.
since that time i have listened attentively to every possible argument in defense of faith; there has never been a single moment that i have felt any discomfort with my decision.. life without god has been liberating.
no longer do i have to defend the indefensible.
breakfast of champions
It was my faith in God that was the first to go in March of 2005, when I got sick.
As much as I knew that God most likely did not exist after that point, I still held on to the idea that I had "the truth" and somehow it was my fault for feeling the way I did.
When I "stepped down" about a year later, the reason I cited is that when I called out to God in the only true time of need I had ever had in my life, there was nothing there but a black hole.
It was in the summer of 2010 I realized "the truth" was utter bullshit. God had been gone for years by that point!
Do you have someone you trust?
by myjourney inhi, i'm a newbie around here.
i've been reading the posts, but reluctant to step out of my safe zone.
i definitely see how coming to a safe place to ask questions, vent, etc.
breakfast of champions
Places like this are great because you can vent whenever you like.
I also really found it helpful speaking to a psychologist. . . . being able to speak your mind with no filters and no fear of judgement is a liberating experience.
LDC Semininar
by Sour Grapes inldc semininar @ patterson nov 15-18, 2014 .
entire ldc dept included remote workers/design/legal/real estate/purchasing.
breakfast of champions
"By this you will know that they are my disciples, that they are one of the largest property development corporations in the world" -- Jesus Trump -
Pope's Powerful Christmas Message
by skeeter1 inpope francis has denounced the "brutal persecution" of religious and ethnic minorities, in his traditional christmas day address.. in his second "urbi et orbi" - to the city and the world - christmas message, the pontiff highlighted the plight of victims of conflict in syria and iraq.. "too many people are being held hostage or massacred" in nigeria, he added.
pope francis also urged dialogue between israelis and palestinians and condemned taliban attacks in pakistan.. tens of thousands of people turned out on st peter's square to hear the argentine pope deliver his annual message.. he said christians in iraq and syria had endured conflict for too long, and "together with those belonging to other ethnic and religious groups, are suffering a brutal persecution".. "may christmas bring them hope, as indeed also to the many displaced persons, exiles and refugees, children, adults and elderly, from this region and from the whole world," the pope said.. .
******and, what did the governing body talk about when they addressed the world of jehovah's witnesses earlier this month?
breakfast of champions
SKEETER - just wanted you to know I liked this post and clicked the "thumbs up" button, however, I don't see that it "registered". . . do you? -
Steve Pinker ... evidence on the surprising decline in violence
by digderidoo inthis is an interesting lecture.
one that flies in the face of current jw and i assume most non jw thinking.
evidence shows that when examining history mankind was more violent over the centuries than they were during the 20th and 21st century.
breakfast of champions
TGFC. . . . .. .
. .. . I have zero patience for such nonsense!